The UEC publishes its strategy with key objectives for European club football

Initial document was presented at the UEC's first General Assembly and will be further developed in the coming months

May 13, 2024



News and media releases

As presented to its members in attendance at the UEC's first General Assembly on 24th April 2024, the organisation has worked on an initial strategy document it aims to further develop in the coming months. Three areas of focus have been identified: good governance, competitive balance, and integrity and financial sustainability.

Good governance refers to the UEC’s objective to create a more democratic model for European club football, with a focus on replicating the one club/one vote principle embedded in UEFA’s statutes where each National Association has one vote in a secret ballot. The organisation aims to work closely with all stakeholders and with EU institutions in this direction.

Competitive balance within and between leagues are key topics for the UEC and its members who will look to develop specific solutions to restore the importance of sporting merit and increase mobility at all levels of the sporting hierarchy. Beyond protecting the current model from future elitist reforms, initial ideas include finding higher and new solidarity mechanisms, such as a new training compensation model based on results achieved by players in major club and national team tournaments, and improving balance in the revenue distribution of UEFA Club Competitions.

Regarding integrity and financial sustainability, the UEC is supporting UEFA’s new financial sustainability regulations and calling for an effective and fair system of sanctions and rewards. Regulation of the player agent’s market and control of harmful ownership structures are also mentioned, with ideas such as awarding training compensation based on the highest category within any multi-club ownership structure.

Download the full document